Help:HowTo/Find other users with common research interests


Quick reference

Users interested in a specific page will be listed on that page under Watchers in the left menu.
To find users interested in general topics, such as surnames or places, one quick method is to Search for them:
  1. Go to the main Search page by selecting Search > All from the drop-down menu at the top of any page.
  2. On the Search page, select Namespace > User from the drop-down menu, enter search words in other fields, and click Search to see a list of User pages linked to those search words.
For other methods, tips and tricks see the Help page.

Further information

Finding information is accomplished by either searching or browsing the site, and there are different methods that will work.

Here are some examples:

To find users who are watching many of the same pages that you are, Browse your Network by logging in and clicking My Relate > Network in the top menu of any page. Click on any number in the Watched Pages in Common column to show a list of those pages you are both watching.
To find users who are interested in a specific surname in general, look for User pages that have been linked to pages associated with that surname, such as the Surname page, the Surname in Place page, and/or the surname Category page.
Example: Find some users interested in surname McDonald.
  1. Method 1: Search
    1. Go to the main Search page by selecting Search > All from the drop-down menu at the top of any page.
    2. On the Search page, select Namespace > User from the drop-down menu, enter "McDonald" in the Surname field, and click Search to see a list of User pages linked to surname McDonald.
  2. Method 2: Browse the Surname page.
    1. Go to the McDonald Surname page by Searching for it (i.e., enter "Surname:McDonald" in the Search box on any page and click the Surname:McDonald page from the results).
    2. User pages linked to that page are listed under Watchers in the left menu.
  3. Method 3: Browse the surname Category page.
    1. Go to the McDonald Category page by Searching for it (i.e., enter "Category:McDonald" in the Search box on any page and selecting the Category:McDonald surname page from the results).
    2. User pages linked to that page are listed under section "U" for "User", so click "U" in the Person row to go to that section.
To find users who are interested in a certain Place, look for User pages that have been linked to pages associated with that place, such as the Place page or the place Category page.
Example: Find some users interested in Michigan, United States.
  1. Method 1: Search
    1. Go to the main Search page by selecting Search > All from the top menu of any page.
    2. On the Search page, select Namespace > User from the drop-down menu, enter "Michigan" in the Place field, and click Search to see a list of User pages linked to place Michigan.
  2. Method 2: Browse the Place page.
    1. Go to the Place page for Michigan by Searching for it (i.e., enter "Place:Michigan" in the Search box of any page).
    2. User pages linked to that page are listed under Watchers in the left menu.
  3. Method 3: Browse the Category page.
    1. Go to the Michigan Category page by Searching for it (i.e., enter "Category:Michigan" in the Search box on any page and selecting the Category:Michigan, United States page from the results).
    2. User pages linked linked to that page are listed under section "U" for "User", so click "U" in the Contents row to go to that section.