Family talk:John Miller and Martha Unknown (4)


Possible Duplicate? [31 March 2013]

Is it possible this is the same family as John Miller and Martha Unknown (1)? --GayelKnott 00:47, 31 March 2013 (EDT)

It is highly possible that these two families are duplicates. I have no reliable source for my Martha Miller's parents, only heresay on the internet. I also have no documentation for her marriage to Edward Jackson. Even her marriage date is an estimate based on the date of birth of her first child on his tombstone. As User:Delijim has given no sources for his Martha Miller and her parents either, it would be an assumption just based on the happy coincidence of having the same names. After all these years, no other Martha Miller has turned up, so I surmise that Delijim's Martha, d/o Family:John Miller and Martha Unknown (1) is the same as Person:Martha Miller (35) (my Martha) who married Edward Jackson; family page here.

So I'd like to see the two John Miller and Martha Unknown family pages (1 & 2) merged and the two Martha Miller pages (35 & 36) merged. But it would be a good idea to check with User:Delijim first. He may not be aware of this possible duplication. Good find!

Copied from Janie's user talk page:

Possible duplicate Martha Millers (married Edw. Jackson) [31 March 2013]

Hi Janie, I think the two MAY be the same, except the New Jersey marriage troubles me. Martha's father John Miller was clearly in Augusta County by 1747, so if she was married to Edward Jackson in 1762, it seems quite a journey to New Jersey to get married..... I believe it was much more likely that they were married in Augusta.

Anyway, just my $.02.

Best regards and Happy Easter,

Jim:)--Delijim 10:10, 31 March 2013 (EDT)

As I said, I have no documentation for the marriage - in any location. So I will remove the conjectured location of New Jersey and leave it blank. And I'll ponder on this possible merge. --janiejac 11:06, 31 March 2013 (EDT)