Family:John Wingate and Catherine Falls (1)

Facts and Events
Marriage? 12 Feb 1846

Catherine's obituary reads, "Mrs. Catherine Wingate Called Home - The Funerals - The death of Mrs. Catherine Wingate occurred Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at her home 294 East Creighton avenue. She was 73 years of age and was the widow of John Wingate, who died about seven years ago. Two children remain. The funeral will be held tomorrow at Hoagland, the remains being taken there on the 12:45 train on the Richmond road.The funeral service will be held at the Lutheran church in Hoagland, conducted by Rev. A.K. Zartman, of Fort Wayne." [The Fort Wayne Gazette, Tuesday 26 Jan 1897]

There is no stone left at Antioch Cemetery for John and Catherine.