WeRelate:Suggestions/Displaying Oriental / Asian Names properly

At least in the case of Japanese names, an "Asian name" check box should be added to the right of the Name fields allowing that if the box is checked, the Given Name and Surname fields will display reversed. If this could be implemented in another manner to make it as easy to use, that would be viable as well.--Khaentlahn 20:38, 5 January 2014 (UTC)

The same could be said for Chinese and Korean names, as well, where the "Surname" is stated first, followed by the "Given Name". The same is probably true for other Asian countries, as well, although I have less direct experience with them. Maybe the solution would just be to change "Surname" to "Family Name"? Although that would not help if people aren't aware of the differences. --GayelKnott 05:39, 6 January 2014 (UTC)

To explain "display" a step further, the intention was for the Person page to appear differently, not for the editing fields to appear differently.


Given: Kunihisa Surname: Shirō which would be entered as normal. Mark the "Asian name" check box, and after the page is saved, it appears as Shirō Hunihisa as the Name for the person. This change should not necessarily affect the editing page other than the addition of the check box, though this does not address the naming convention of the actual page as it would appear as Person: Kunihisa Shirō, but that is for another discussion.--Khaentlahn 06:30, 6 January 2014 (UTC)