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Stephenmk/Knott Family

Welcome to the 7th Day Baptist Noble Knott Family Genealogy.

Some quite exciting finds, like a gold mine in this colonial family genealogy.

Confirmed ancestors' birth dates & deaths from 1681 up to this present day on my Father's side Knotts.

I have all the census records as well as LDS records and others which cover much of the history of these Knotts.

Most well confirmed records are from Peter Knott, born 1681, Naturalized in 1733, up unto this present day sons of Knott. I have much material on the family and should be posting up articles in the near future. I also have a biography on its way about my Knott ancestors who moved from New Jersey to Ohio. Perhaps I can post some material from there. I just dont completely understand how to display a nice view of the uploaded genealogy, or how to add members to it.