Parents Unknown
Evidence not adequate to establish identity of parents

<xxnoinclude>Parents Unknown</xxnoinclude>

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Use this form to import your GEDCOM file. Click here for help creating a GEDCOM.

  • Click here for tips on preparing your GEDCOM for upload.
  • To upload your GEDCOM, click on the Browse button and select the GEDCOM file to upload.
  • Smaller GEDCOMs, say containing under 100 people, are usually easier for you to deal with, especially for your first try at importing. In any case, at most 5,000 people can be uploaded. If you have a larger GEDCOM, we recommend that you upload just the portion that you're most interested in or split it into smaller files.
  • A message will appear on your user talk page when your GEDCOM has finished the first phase of importing, usually within an hour. You will then need to start your review using the link given in the message.
  • Once all phases of import are complete (after review and acceptance), pages for the people, families, and sources in your GEDCOM will be added to your tree. (Living people are handled specially.)
  • NOTE: If you are re-importing a tree, you have some additional responsibility to ensure that duplicate pages aren't created. WeRelate will attempt to match families to pages previously created, allowing you to update information in those pages. However, if names have been changed, WeRelate might miss some matches. Please exclude any pages that should have been matched to existing pages but were not. Also, WeRelate doesn't match isolated individuals (that is, those with neither parents nor spouse) - please exclude these from the upload so that WeRelate doesn't create new pages for them.

Important! Please read before submitting a GEDCOM

Import Process. Your GEDCOM information will be discarded if you do not complete the review process within three months.

Towards a Single Tree. WeRelate is different from most family tree websites. By contributing to WeRelate you are helping to create a single, unified family tree with one page for each person that combines the best information from all contributors.

Quality of Content & Participation. Ultimately, we seek pages that are well documented with strong sources; therefore you are strongly encouraged to include source information in your uploaded GEDCOM.

Uploaded GEDCOMs that contain no dates will not be accepted.

Collaborative Space. WeRelate takes a shared approach to genealogy. By uploading your GEDCOM, you are contributing your work to a larger collaborative effort. Multiple people may be working on the same pages, including those you contribute. In addition, we hope that you will monitor the pages created (one for each person and family in your GEDCOM), respond to others' comments on the pages, and help merge pages when duplicate pages are found.

Unsure? Take a test drive. If you are not yet sure that the WeRelate wiki style of research is for you, we encourage you to enter a few people by hand or to upload a small GEDCOM file containing people that you want to work on cooperatively. Once you find that you like wiki genealogy, you can upload a larger GEDCOM.

The Fine, but Important, Print. You irrevocably agree to release your contributions under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 and the GFDL. Others can add to, edit, download, and redistribute your contributions. You agree to be credited, at minimum, through a hyperlink or URL when your contributions are reused in any form. See the Terms of Use for details.

You are promising that you wrote this yourself, or that it is available under terms consistent with the Terms of Use, and you agree to follow any relevant licensing requirements. DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION!

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