

looking for father of mathias schockling, born nov 8, 1796 in richviller. married in 1825 , died april Easter Sunday in 1881 (wife died same day) There are numerous ways of spelling the surname e.g. Schaechlin, schochlin, cachelin, Schochle, Schaocklin, etc.\He married anna marie Zimmerman in 1825 and had the following children, Sebastian thought to have been born july 13, 1859 (he and mathias were both glassblowers)., Mary Ann,born 1825, or nov 24, 1824 also a John, and Joseph.

His wife was anna marie zimmerman born jan 29, 1791 in hindlingen.her father was Mathias Zimmerman who died in hindlingen in may 18, 1802. anna marie's mother was also anna maria and she was born oct 25, 1775 and died 1835 in mulhouse. Mathias Zimmermans wife was Maria Anna Muller,

one of mathias relatives is believed to be a member of napoleon's legion of honor (could it be jean georges schaechlin).

anna marie had a sister that married jean ,johannes, schwob.

mathias sch schockling's maternal grandmother was maria eva basler who married henry johannes schoechlin jan 10, 1769.

anna maria schoechlin married jacques derkom . from bourgfelden, jacques was born around 1771 and died feb 14, 1841 and lived in mulhouse' jacques father was rene.