User:BobC/Animal And Bird Totems


Animal And Bird Totems


Ant: patience, stamina, community-mindedness
Antelope: knowledgeable action, speed, rapid growth, grace
Armadillo: knowledge of boundaries, objectivity
Badger: aggressiveness, persistence, centeredness
Bat: releasing old habits, new growth, rebirth
Bear: strength, introspection, self-knowledge
Beaver: balance, alterations, building, shaping
Bee: service, gathering, community
Bird: unity, freedom, community
Buffalo: abundance, prayer, healing, good fortune
Butterfly: transformation, courage to change, balance, grace
Caribou: travel, mobility
Cat: grace, independence, sensuality, psychic vision
Cougar/Mt. Lion: balanced leadership, cunning, wit
Coyote: humor, trickiness, adaptability, reversal of fortune
Crow: council, intuitive knowledge of universal law, assertiveness
Deer: gentleness, sensitivity, alertness, peace
Dog: loyalty, courage, unconditional love
Dolphin: harmony, love, wisdom, connection with self
Dragonfly: refinement of skills, illusion, need for change, relentlessness
Duck: female-mothering energy, male-coping with stress
Elephant: memory, learning ability, health, good luck
Elk: stamina, friendship, pride, power, majesty
Falcon accuracy, rapid progress, restraint
Fox: cleverness, adaptability, cunning, subtlety, discretion
Frog: emotional healing, cleansing, peace
Goat :tenacity, diligence
Goose: safe return, love of home
Gopher: gathering, preparation for the future
Grouse: completion, sacred spiral dance, fulfillment
Hawk: messenger, truth seeker, clear vision, heightened awareness
Hedgehog: self-preservation
Horse: inner power, freedom, safe movement
Hummingbird: beauty, wonder, joy, agility
Lion: association with the sun, courage, nobleness, prosperity
Lizard: caution, regeneration, renewal, growth
Loon: communication, serenity
Lynx: subtlety, silence, secretiveness, elusiveness
Manatee: serenity, gentleness, trust
Moose: self-esteem, confidence, strength, spontaneity, unpredictability
Mouse: scrutiny, caution, success, awareness of danger, illusion, charm
Opossum: peaceful alternatives, deception
Otter: playfulness, efficiency, female energy, healing power of laughter
Owl: wisdom, insight, psychic vision
Pigeon: romantic love, loyalty, peace, innocence
Porcupine: self-protection, memory, security, innocence, humility
Quail: protectiveness, group harmony
Rabbit: conquering fear, safety, gentleness with self
Raccoon: curiosity, skillful investigation, playful energy
Raven: prophecy, clairvoyant vision, magic, mystery, exploring unknown
Salmon: determination, persistence
Sandpiper: quickness, foraging, scavenging
Seagull: observation, swift action, opportunity, carefree attitude, versatility
Seal: contentment
Skunk: reputation, self-preservation, respect
Snake: transmutation, fertility, regeneration, life force, sexual potency
Spider: creativity, balance, interconnectedness, industry
Squirrel: planning ahead, playfulness, trust
Swan: grace, faithfulness, commitment
Tiger: caution, appropriate timing, stealth
Turkey: setting limits, appreciation, renewal
Turtle: protection, grounding, longevity, healing, symbol of the bounty of Mother Earth
Vulture: resolution of problems
Weasel: stealth, seeing beneath the surface, supernatural power
Whale: intelligence, self-expression, intuition, creativity
Woodpecker: sacred heartbeat, rain caller, growth, fertility, cleansing
Wolf: eliminating weakness, commitment, family loyalty, teaching skill
Zebra: power, alertness, community


Blackbird: understanding of the energies of Mother Nature
Bluebird: modesty, unassuming, confidence and happiness
Blue Jay: proper use of power
Canary: power of song and voice. heightened sensitivity
Cardinal: renewed vitality through recognizing our importance
Catbird: language and communication
Chickadee: cheerful expression of truth
Chicken: fertility and sacrifice
Cock: sexuality, watchfulness and resurrection, optimism
Cowbird: parent and child relationships, resolving old issues
Crane: longevity and creation through focus, expression of feminine energies
Crow: magic, creation, spiritual strength
Cuckoo: heralding new fate, intuitive ability
Dove: feminine energies of peace, maternity, prophecy and promise of future
Ducks: emotional comfort and protection
Eagle: spiritual enlightenment, clarity of vision, transcendence, messengers, healing and creation
Finch: energy of variety and multiplicity, increased potentials
Flicker: rapid growth and trust, increased healing love, new sensitivity of heart
Goldfinch: awakening to the nature spirits- fairies, elves and devious
Goose: call of the quest, travels to legendary places, search new dimensions
Grackle: overcoming excess, dealing with emotions
Grosbeak: Healing the family heart
Hawk: Awakening visionary power, guardianship, awareness, truth
Heron: Aggressive self-determination, self-reliance
Hummingbird: Tireless joy, accomplishing the impossible, beauty, agility
Kestrel: Mental speed, agility, grace, control
Kingfisher: New warmth, sunshine, prosperity, and love
Loon: Lucid dreaming and re-awakening of old hopes, wishes and dreams
Magpie: The proper use of intelligence, familiars, and occult knowledge
Martin: Good luck and community peace, peaceful living energies
Meadowlark: Cheerful journey inward, discovery of intuition, innate abilities
Mockingbird: Finding your Sacred Song (soul purpose) and recognition of your innate abilities
Nuthatch: Grounding of faith and higher wisdom, teaches true path to realization is learning to manifest the spiritual within the physical
Oriole: The weaving of new sunshine, can open doors to positive relationship with all members of nature realm
Ostrich: Becoming grounded
Owl: The mystery of magic, omens, silent wisdom, and vision in the night; symbol of the feminine, the moon and the night
Parrot: Sunshine and color healing; teaches power of light and colors
Peacock: Resurrection and wise vision (watchfulness)
Pelican: Renewed buoyancy and unselfishness; teaches how not to be overcome by emotion
Penguin: Lucid dreaming and astral projection
Pheasant: Family fertility and sexuality
Pigeon: Return to the love and security of home; very gentle and loving energy
Quail: Group nourishment and protection
Raven: Magic, shapeshifting and creation
Road Runner: Mental speed and agility
Robin: Spread of New Growth in a variety of areas of life
Sparrow: Awakening and triumph of common nobility; shows how to survive
Starling: Group behavior and etiquette; clear communication
Stork: Birth and unspoken communication
Swallow: Protection and warmth for the home and proper perspective
Swans: Awakening the true beauty and power of the self
Swift: Speed and agility in the great quest; responding to opportunity
Swisher: Awakening to the Fairy realm
Turkey: Sharing blessings and harvest
Vulture: Purification - death and rebirth - new vision
Waxwing: Gentleness and courtesy
Woodpecker: The power of rhythm and determination; stimulates new rhythms
Wren: Resourcefulness and boldness

Source: Attakullakulla-L Archives: March 2003 Message 1046926594
Message From:
Subject: Animal And Bird Totems
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 23:56:34 EST

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