Transcript:Monroe, Wisconsin, United States. Monroe County Registration of Births/McGary, Unnamed (1879)

Full name of childNot named
Names of other issue livingNone
Full name of fatherEugene McGary
Occupation of fatherFarmer
Name of mother previous to marriageLydia Sour
Hour, day of week, of month, and the year of birth8 PM, Tuesday Nov. 12
Place, town or township and county in which bornNorwalk Monroe Co
Name of physician of other person signing the certificateWm Fischer
Residence of such personNorwalk Wis.
Date of certificateJan 22 1879
Date of registrationJanuary 27 1879
Any additional circumstances
Birthplace of FatherWisconsin
Birthplace of MotherWisconsin
Location of recordMonroe County Courthouse, Sparta, WI
Transcribed byBruce E. Kendall
Transcription dateAug. 23 2005