

Talk page messages. User talk pages act kind of like forums now. Each topic is separated by blue lines. If you want to respond to a comment, there is a "add comment" in the far right corner of each section. Click on that and type your response. If you would like to add a new topic, click on the "add topic" link also in the far right corner of each section and at the top of the page. This link will create a new section for you. There is also a "leave message" link at the top of every user page. Whenever you leave a message, an email is sent notifying them that you sent a message. They can click through to your message. If someone leaves you a message, you will get and email and there will be a orange bar at the top of WeRelate screens when you log on. Click on "diff" to see just that message.

Private email. If you are on someone's user talk page and would like to send a private email, there is an "email this user" link at the bottom of the page. Click on this link and enter a regular email message. It will be sent through WeRelate, no email addresses are exchanged.

Finding users with common interests. When you search out a page, look in the watching page section in the far left corner. You can click on any user name to go to their user page and leave a message. You might also want to check the history link in the second line of menu items at the top of the page. The history page will tell you who has edited the page. Click on the user's name to see his/her page or talk link to leave a message. You can also click on the MyRelate in the first line of menu items. The Click on the view network link in the network box. This is a list of users that are watching the some of same pages you are. You will get a list of the pages you have in common when you click on the number of pages watched in common. Hope this helps.  :)