
The Higginson Fleet (1629)
The Higgenson Fleet comprised of six ships (The George Bonaventure, the Talbot, the Lion's Whelp, the Mayflower, the Four Sisters and the Pilgrim (which never reached New England)). Led by (and named for) Puritan leader Francis Higginson, it carried 350 men, women, and children to the Bay of the Massachusetts.
Sailed: April and May 1629 from Thames in England
Arrived: 1629 at Salem, Massachusetts

350 (Full List)
Rev. Francis Bright - Francis Higginson - Samuel Sharp - Samuel Skelton and Susanna Travis - Nicholas Stowers

Resources: Primary Sources: Smith, Captain John. The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of

Captain John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africa and America (London 1830}

Other information: Anderson's Winthrop Fleet