Talk:Transcription:Orphan Record for Abner Willis of Guilford Co, NC

Birthdate for Abner Willis of Guilford County, NC [12 January 2013]

This record was found on Google Books. The book is The History of Guilford County, North Carolina by Sally Walker Stockard. The record is on page 38. On this page it appears that there are court records entered in order of the dates. While there is no date listed for this record, the previous record is 1786 and the date following the record is Feb. 1787. If Abner of Guilford County was 14 at the time he was bound out, and the record was in order to date, that would give him a birth date of 1772 or 1773. Was trying to rule out this Abner Willis as possibly being Abner Willis of Wash. and Russell Cos. of Virginia but I think the dates are too close to do so.--ruthnevada 20:04, 11 January 2013 (EST)

I agree. While I think this is a different person altogether, his DOB is close enough to Abner (1)'s that it doesn't rule out the possibility of a match. Q 08:32, 12 January 2013 (EST)