Talk:Test Table 1



This isn't as hard as it looks. But it does take some getting use to. I wish I knew WikiTable better, as its a bit cleaner to use---but I don't know it well enough to try to talk someone else through it.

Here are some key points that you need to know.

First What we are doing is building a table made of rows and individual cells in each row.

The piece up front <table> just tells the system that you are setting up a table. When you're done you end it with </table>

The important bits are those synbols <TR> and <TD>

<NOWKI><TR></nowiki>Starts a row
<NOWKI><TD></nowiki>Inserts a cell Type in anything you want to after the <NOWKI><TD></nowiki>

In this particular example I've set things up so that each cell is on a separate line---but when the system reads the code, it will place all of the cells for a row in one line.

When you look at the code itself:

Those things with the <!--- and ending with > are just commentary to help you tell what information goes where.

Generally, what you want to type in will go at the very end of each line. I've put in an explanation of what goes with each line in the comment area---the comment area will NOT be displayed when you save the page---its just there to prompt what's needed.

Now go to Test Table 2