Source:Yeo, Noah Jane. Church Centennial, Little Britain United Church 1839-1939

Source Church Centennial, Little Britain United Church 1839-1939
Author Yeo, Noah Jane
Sloan, Phillipa Mark
Place Little Britain, Victoria, Ontario, Canada
Year range 1839 - 1939
Surname Haight, Glenney, Yeo, Wickett, Mark, Greenaway, Metherell, Yerex
Publication information
Type Book
Yeo, Noah Jane, and Phillipa Mark Sloan. Church Centennial, Little Britain United Church 1839-1939.
City of Kawartha Lakes Public LibraryREF 971.364 YeoArchive/Library

Small 68 page booklet with a biography section. Some good pioneer stories. Compiled by Yeo and Sloan and probably printed by the Little Britain United Church.

The surname list is only a sample.