Source:Windsor, Vermont, United States. 1790 U.S. Census Population Schedule

Source 1790 U.S. Census Population Schedule
Place Windsor, Vermont, United States
Year range 1790 - 1790
Subject Census records
Publication information
Type Government / Church records
Windsor, Vermont, United States. 1790 U.S. Census Population Schedule.

General Tips

Original (microfilm) images of the 1790 Census are sourced as COUNTY, STATE, United States. 1790 U.S. Census Population Schedule.

U.S. Census Bureau Books

These publications are a U.S. government-issued transcription of the 1790 Census.

Connecticut    MassachusettsNorth Carolina    South Carolina
MaineNew Hampshire    PennsylvaniaVermont
MarylandNew YorkRhode IslandVirginia

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