Source:United Empire Loyalist Centennial Committee. Centennial of the Settlement of Upper Canada by the United Empire Loyalists, 1784-1884 : With an Appendix

Source The centennial of the settlement of Upper Canada by the United Empire Loyalists, 1784-1884
with an appendix containing a copy of the U. E. list preserved in the Crown Lands Department at Toronto
Author United Empire Loyalist Centennial Committee (Toronto)
Place Ontario, Canada
Subject History
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher Gregg Press
Date issued 1972
Place issued Boston, Massachusetts
United Empire Loyalist Centennial Committee (Toronto). The centennial of the settlement of Upper Canada by the United Empire Loyalists, 1784-1884: with an appendix containing a copy of the U. E. list preserved in the Crown Lands Department at Toronto. (Boston, Massachusetts: Gregg Press, 1972).
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