Source:The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Pedigree Resource File

Source Pedigree Resource File
Author The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Subject Family tree, Finding aid
Publication information
Type Website
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Pedigree Resource File.

The Pedigree Resource File is a lineage linked database of records containing family history records submitted by individuals through FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service.


Submitters are responsible for the accuracy of the information. FamilySearch does not check the accuracy of any contributed genealogy. Information in Pedigree Resource File is second-hand. Verify the information before accepting it. Submitter information, previously available, is now hidden for privacy reasons. Pedigree Resource File contains many errors and unlike the new FamilySearch Tree, corrections are not accepted. Submitters are advised to make another submission that includes corrections. However, both old and new submissions are left in Pedigree Resource File.