Source:Sutton-Benger, Wiltshire, England. Land Tax Assessments in Sutton-Benger, Wiltshire 1780-1833

Source Land tax assessments in Sutton-Benger, Wiltshire 1780-1833
Author Great Britain. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (Wiltshire)
Place Sutton Benger, Wiltshire, England
Year range 1780 - 1833
Subject Tax records
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher Genealogical Society of Utah
Date issued 1987
Place issued Salt Lake City, Utah
Great Britain. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (Wiltshire). Land tax assessments in Sutton-Benger, Wiltshire 1780-1833. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1987).
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