Source:Rigbye, R. E. K. Storeys of Old, Historical, Biographical and Genealogical Observations on the Storey and Story Family

Source Storeys of old, historical, biographical and genealogical observations on the Storey and Story family
prominent members of the same of the four northern counties - North- umberland, Cumberland, Durham and Westmoreland, including the branches settled in Lancaster and Furness
Author Rigbye, R. E. K
Surname Lushington, Patrickson, Sherren, Story
Subject Biography
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher Library of Congress Photoduplication Service
Date issued 1959
Place issued Washington [District of Columbia]
Rigbye, R. E. K. Storeys of old, historical, biographical and genealogical observations on the Storey and Story family: prominent members of the same of the four northern counties - North- umberland, Cumberland, Durham and Westmoreland, including the branches settled in Lancaster and Furness. (Washington [District of Columbia]: Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1959).
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