Source:Maryland State Archives Indexes (Patents, Index) MSA S1426

Source Maryland State Archives Indexes (Patents, Index) MSA S1426
Publication information
Type Government / Church records
Maryland State Archives Indexes (Patents, Index) MSA S1426.

Bibliographic Citation

Maryland State Archives Indexes (Patents, Index) MSA S1426

Electronic Source

Maryland State Archives Indexes (Patents, Index) MSA S1426

Usage Notes

This item consists of a series of "pdf" files available for downloading. The files consist of images of a card index related to to Maryland patents issued in various counties beginning in the 17th century. Some entries are for the period well after independence, (into the nineteenth century), which probably means they record actions taken on a property originally conveyed as a patent, rather than a new patent per se.

Images in the files are organized alphabetically by surname. Files are grouped by surnames. There is (apparently) no county by county index, and it is necessary to look through every card for the surname of interest, to find the ones for the county of interest.