Source:Edenfield Genealogical Society. Edenfield Sruname Database

Source Edenfield Sruname Database
Author Edenfield Genealogical Society
Surname Eddingfield, Edenfield, Edingfield
Publication information
Type Website
Edenfield Genealogical Society. Edenfield Sruname Database.

This site has the descendants of the two brothers that are thought to be the ancestors of the variation of Edenfield in the United States. Unfortunately the site has not been updated since the original owner fell ill; there has been discussion about another hosting the site.

The pages are hyper-linked, parents to children, as well as a Surname Index:

and Page Index:

This effort was compiled by an Edenfield genealogist with the help of many in the Southern branches.

As with any online source, please check the original records where possible as I have found several instances that are not correct, but can lead to information. For instance, one of my direct ancestors was thought to be a Stedham (listed on the site), but was actually a Sturgis.

The tree starts with and continues with each page as the descendants of the first child to the last known, second child to last know, and so on.