Source:Damewood, Sue Reneau & Steven G Fancy. Genealogy of the Reno/Reneau Family in America, 1600-1930

Source Genealogy of the Reno/Reneau Family in America, 1600-1930
Author Damewood, Sue Reneau & Steven G. Fancy
Place Prince William, Virginia, United States
Stafford, Virginia, United States
Kentucky, United States
Year range 1600 - 1930
Surname Reneau, Reno
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Website
Damewood, Sue Reneau & Steven G. Fancy. Genealogy of the Reno/Reneau Family in America, 1600-1930.
http://www.genealogy.com website

America, 1600-1930 This online edition of the book "Genealogy of the Reno/Reneau Family in America, 1600-1930" has been a collaboration between Sue Reneau Damewood and Steven Fancy.

The goal is to compile a family tree on the Reno/Reneau family, in conjunction with distant relatives, that is as accurate and complete as possible. I have been conducting research on the Reno/Reneau family for more than 30 years, and our databases have been merged to produce one of the most complete and accurate family trees ever to be compiled. To make this book manageable, it mostly includes persons born before 1930. I have a database of more than 65,000 family members, and persons interested in more recent information and details on relatives with other surnames can contact me directly at for a report on their branch of the family.

This book extends the life-long works of Guy B. Reno, Dr. William L. Reno, Jr., and Sherman Reno by adding information from thousands of additional sources. It corrects errors in the earlier works, and documents that the original immigrant forefathers of the Reno family in America were brothers Lewis and Benjamin Reynaud who arrived in Stafford County, Virginia, between July and October 1688.