Source:Beyer, Walter. Deeds of Valor; How America's Heroes Won the Medal of Honor

Source Deeds of valor; how America's heroes won the Medal of Honor
Personal reminiscences and records of officers and enlisted men who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for most conspicuous acts of bravery in battle. Combined with an abridged history of our country's wars.
Author Beyer, Walter F.
Keydel, Oscar F.
Subject History
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Perrien–Keydel Company
Date issued 1902
Place issued Detroit, Michigan
Beyer, Walter F., and Oscar F. Keydel. Deeds of valor; how America's heroes won the Medal of Honor: Personal reminiscences and records of officers and enlisted men who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for most conspicuous acts of bravery in battle. Combined with an abridged history of our country's wars. (Detroit, Michigan: Perrien–Keydel Company, 1902).
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