Source:Australian Plant Collectors and Illustrators

Source Australian Plant Collectors and Illustrators
Author Fagg, Murray
CHAH, Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria
Year range 1780 - 1980
Surname Abbott, Abid, Abrahams, Ackland, Adair, Adam, Adams, Adamson, Adamthwaite, Adcock, Airy Shaw, Aitken, Albison, Albrecht, Alcock, Alcorn, Alkin, Allan, Allen, Allender, Alley, Allitt, Allport, Alpher, Althofer, Amtsberg, Anderson, Andersson, Andrae, Andrewartha, Andrews, Angas, Anketell, Aplin, Archer, Arden, Armit, Armitage, Armstrong, Armytage, Arnold, Arnoux, Arthur, Arundell, Ash, Ashby, Ashton, Ashworth, Askenasy, Aston, Atkins, Atkinson, Audas, Audebert, Auildist, Austen, Austin
Subject Biography
Publication information
Type Website
Fagg, Murray, and Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria CHAH. Australian Plant Collectors and Illustrators.
Repositories website website website

Note: Surname values from the first page of the source have been added to this source record.

The Australian Plant Collectors and Illustrators resource is an expansion from an original list published in 1986 by Willis et al. Most entries consist of full name, an often incomplete statement of birth-death personal data and usually a statement of profession (e.g. botonist, forester, expedition collector). For a subset of listings, links to biographical notes and/or a portrait have been provided.