Roaring Springs Cowans




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Cowan's Gap Cowans
Person:Edward Cowan (1)
Person:Hugh Cowan (4)


Person:Edward Cowan (1) settled at Roaring Springs by 1786, in what is now Woodbury Township, in southern Bedford County. Edward had a number of sons who also settled in that area. Together these Cowans' are referred to as the "Roaring Springs Cowan's". This family seems to dissappear from the records of the area by 1870. Edwards children are presumed to have left the area sometime after the Civil War.....

Family records indicate that Edward, with his brother William, immigrated to America about 1785, through Philadelphia, and more or less immediately moved west to settled in Bedford County. A possibility for this line is that both he and Edward were sons of Hugh Cowan (4), who settled on Octoraro Creek sometime after 1700. There was, infact , a William Cowan in the area during or just after the Revolution. He left a family history written about 1820, that identified his grandfather as Hugh of Octoraro Creek. It is possible that this is the same William who was brother of Edward, though Hugh is not known to have had a son by that name. For this to be true we would have to reject the family tradition that William and Edward immigrated to America in 1785. Since that was about the time they settled in the area it may be that the familyl history confused "came to the area in 1785" with "immigrated to America in 1785". More work is needed on this line. YDNA evidence could be extremely helpful in resolving this problem.