Repository:Crawfordsville District Public Library Local History (Indiana)

Repository Crawfordsville District Public Library Local History (Indiana)
Place Crawfordsville, Montgomery, Indiana, United States

Usage Tips

The Crawfordsville District Public Library has the following on-line resources, as shown on their website, along with a variety of local history resources.

CDPL databases
Note: Some databases lead to .pdf files. You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. 2009 statistics | 2008 statistics | 2007 statistics | 2006 statistics | 2005 statistics

Cemeteries of Montgomery County (1830-1981) This database contains readings of county tombstones dating from the early 1800s to 1981. It also references the same readings found in our CDPL and DAR cemetery record books (which contain no further information). Resource: Cemetery Locator (find a Montgomery County cemetery)

Events (1973-77, 1990, 1998-present) This database is an index of newspaper events that reference microfilm of the Journal Review, which you can consult onsite.

Guardian's Docket (1825-1874) This database leads to images (.pdf) of the actual pages.

Hawcreek Church of God Records (1839-1853) This database leads to images (.pdf) of the actual pages.

Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Indiana (1876) This database leads to maps of not just Indiana counties and towns, but also to national maps and statistics from the 1870 United States Census.

Image File (postcards, photographs, books) This database leads to images (.jpg and .pdf ) of our postcards, photos, and historical books that we have scanned. It also references other images that we have not yet scanned but hold in storage.

Index to Genealogy Vertical File (patron research) & Selected Books This database is an index of research (family group charts, pedigree charts, correspondence, etc.) contributed by patrons.

Index of Persons & Organizations This database indexes Montgomery County people and organizations (businesses, clubs, etc.) mentioned in various publications.

Marriage Affidavits, Records, and Licenses (1888-2001) This database leads to images (.pdf) of the actual pages for affidavits and records. Licenses are not yet digitized.

Masonic Cemetery Records (1921-1982) This database leads to abstracts of burial permits, cash receipts, foundation orders, miscellaneous papers, etc.

Montgomery County Magazine (1976-2000) This database is an index to a publication of the Journal Review newspaper that we possess (as bound copies and as microfilm)

Music Scores (1900-present) An index to patriotic and novelty songs from the early 1900s, soundtrack songs from popular films of the 1930s and 1940s, holiday carols from around the world, and an assortment of popular hits from the Twentieth Century. Scores are stored in the Reference Department.

Register of Negroes and Mulattoes (1851-1853) This database leads to images (.pdf) of the actual pages.

Teachers: Examinations and Contracts (1881-1912) This database leads to images (.pdf) of the actual pages.

Veteran Cemetery Records (Revolutionary War to present) This database contains information on county veterans buried in or outside the county.

Vital Statistics (1834-present) This database is an index to the vital records in local papers whose microfilm you can consult onsite.

Waynetown Masonic Cemetery (1862-2008) This database contains records of 6,125 burials in this cemetery. It also includes links to more than 4,000 obituaries and more than 1,000 burial/transit permits.

Yearbooks (Montgomery County schools 1902-present) This database is an index to yearbooks that we possess.

Other Digitized Content

Three Years in the Saddle: Journal of Events, Facts, and Incidents Connected with the 18th Indiana Battery (Civil War)

Account book of a general store (Burk, M. L.) in Dunlapsville, Union County 1837-1839 Images of the account book (.pdf)

Atlas of Montgomery County: 1878 Images of the complete atlas (.pdf)

Central School and Crawfordsville High School Faculty/Staff Index: 1876-2001 An index to faculty/staff (.pdf)

Confederate Veterans buried in Montgomery County A listing of 64 Confederate veterans buried in Montgomery County with unit and cemetery information(.pdf) compiled by Bill Boone.

Index to Probate Records of Montgomery County: 1822-1940 [order form] An index to the records (.pdf) that we possess on microfilm, which you can consult onsite

Wingate News Vital Statistics: 1943-1952, 1964-1968 An index to the newpaper (.pdf) that we possess

Wingate News Events: 1943-1947, 1964-1968 An index to the newpaper (.pdf) that we possess