Place:Trenčianske Teplice, Trenčín, Slovakia


NameTrenčianske Teplice
Alt namesTrencsénteplicsource: Wikipedia
Trentschinteplitzsource: Wikipedia
TypeCity or town
Located inTrenčín, Slovakia

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Trenčianske Teplice is a health resort and small spa town in western Slovakia, in the valley of the river Teplička, at the foothills of the Strážovské vrchy mountains, a few kilometres away from the city of Trenčín.


the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

In the middle of the 13th century as terra Teplicza it was property of the Cseszneky de Milvány family. It has been a spa site since the 14th century. As early as the 16th century, the spa was known all over Europe, and was mentioned as the most important of the Kingdom of Hungary. The spa was owned by the Illésházy, an aristocratic family of the Kingdom of Hungary, from 1582 onwards. In 1835, it was bought by the Viennese financier Jozef Sina, who developed the area. The spa was nationalised after the Second World War.

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