Place:Spring Hill Cemetery, Fayette, Illinois, United States

NameSpring Hill Cemetery
Alt namesSpringhill Cemetery (sic)source: Find A Grave
Coordinates39.1249886°N 88.8656826°W
Located inFayette, Illinois, United States
Also located inLoudon, Fayette, Illinois, United States    

Lat/Lon coordinates are from IL_Features_20210825.txt download from USGS GNIS service, where this is Feature ID 1736999. OpenStreetMap shows that the nearest road is Fayette County Road 4 (see

Cemetery repositories

This cemetery is found in Source:Find A Grave at Find A Grave: Springhill Cemetery, which shows 715 burials added with 93% of them photographed. The Location is listed as "Wrights Corner, Fayette...". This is a USGS "populated place" without well defined boundaries and is actually the closest populated place to the cemetery; in fact, if this place where to incorporate, the cemetery would most likely sit within the incorporation boundary.

Source:Billion Graves does contain a reference, but associates the cemetery with Place:Beecher City, Effingham, Illinois, United States, which is the incorrect county; the closes in-county population center is Place:St. Elmo, Fayette, Illinois, United States.

The RootsWeb Project has a representation of the cemetery at , which places the locale in Loudon Township, which sits in Fayette County. The page has only twelve burial marker photos and associated information, a tiny fraction of the burials. The parent page to this one, , associates the cemetery with a church (which can be seen in aerial imagery), indicates it remains active, that is has burials of war veterans, and that it sits in Loudon Township.

Mapping and aerial imagery

This is not a tiny cemetery. Aerial imagery suggests up to couple hundred burials with room for more. An approximate boundary for the cemetery based on aerial imagery has been composed in OpenStreetMap, as shown at . Google Maps does have the cemetery included as a navigable location, but it labels the location as being in Beecher City, as did Billion Graves incorrectly.