Place:Ranton Abbey, Ranton, Staffordshire, England

NameRanton Abbey
Alt namesRanton Priory
Coordinates52.8158°N 2.4149°W
Located inRanton, Staffordshire, England
See alsoSouth Pirehill Hundred, Staffordshire, Englandhundred of which the parish was a part
Ranton, Staffordshire, Englandparish in which it is located
Stafford Rural, Staffordshire, Englandrural district of which it was part 1894-1974
Stafford (district), Staffordshire, Englanddistrict municipality covering the area since 1974
the following text is based on an article in Wikipedia

Ranton Abbey or Ranton Priory was an Augustinian Priory in Ranton, Staffordshire, England, built c.1150 by Robert fitz Noel of Ellenhall, the adjacent parish. Ranton Priory was dissolved by the Act of 1536 (dissolution of the monasteries). Only the 14th century tower and part of the south wall remain, although the cloisters and other parts are known to have still been standing in 1663. The ruins of Abbey House stand adjacent.

For more information, see the EN Wikipedia article Ranton Abbey.

Research Tips

See the parish of Ranton.

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