Place:Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Uralsky, Russia


TypeCity or town
Coordinates53.417°N 58.967°E
Located inChelyabinsk, Uralsky, Russia     (1929 - )
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

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Magnitogorsk is an industrial city in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, located on the eastern side of the extreme southern extent of the Ural Mountains by the Ural River. Its population is

It was named after Mount Magnitnaya, a geological anomaly that once consisted almost completely of iron ore, around 55% to 60% iron. It is the second-largest city in Russia that is not the administrative centre of any federal subject or district. Magnitogorsk contains the largest iron and steel works in the country: Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. The official motto of the city is "the place where Europe and Asia meet", as the city occupies land in both Europe and Asia.

Magnitogorsk is one of only two planned socialist realist settlements ever built (the other being Nowa Huta in Poland).

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