Place:Kėdainiai, Kėdainiai, Kaunas, Lithuania


Alt namesKėdainiaisource: Getty Vocabulary Program
Coordinates55.283°N 23.967°E
Located inKėdainiai, Kaunas, Lithuania
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

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Kėdainiai is one of the oldest cities in Lithuania. It is located north of Kaunas on the banks of the Nevėžis River. First mentioned in the 1372 Livonian Chronicle of Hermann de Wartberge, its population is 23,667. Its old town dates to the 17th century.[1]

The city is the administrative centre of the Kėdainiai District Municipality. The geographical centre of the Lithuanian Republic is in the nearby village of Ruoščiai, located in the eldership of Dotnuva.

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