Place:Banepa, Bagmati Zone, Central, Nepal


Located inBagmati Zone, Central, Nepal

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Banepa, a municipality and historical town is a valley situated at about above sea level in central Nepal which is at about east from Kathmandu. At the time of the 2011 Nepal census, it has a population of 55,528. The main attraction of Banepa is the temple of Chandeshwori, located approximately northeast of the town along the Rudramati River. The Dhaneshwor Temple is 1 km south of the town. Banepa is also known for its eight different temples of Lord Ganesh, Narayanthan (the temple of Lord Narayan), Bhimshenthan (the temple of Lord Bhimshen) and eight different ponds.

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