Person talk:Hannah Lumm (1)

Married name [29 January 2014]

I used to think that the married names were superfluous, but I've started adding them because of the fairly recent change (probably just before you became a contributor) incorporating a search feature by surname and place. My logic being that at times that feature may be useful to some users, especially when we don't have the wife's birth surname, and it doesn't cause a great deal more clutter on the page. I'd be interested in your take on this.--jaques1724 16:06, 29 January 2014 (UTC)

Up until a few days ago, I always added the married names. Yesterday, though, I went through several persons (Porter) and took out the married names in response to the strongly-held opinion among certain users that it cluttered up the page and was, in fact, redundant information. I think the search-related reasons you give to add the married name outweighs the other reasoning, but, as with all things it comes down to personal preferences. At this point, I'm probably going to add married names except on certain pages where I know it will upset certain users. With that in mind, feel free to add those names back on the Porters - or I will as time goes by... What do you think?--Frank 16:26, 29 January 2014 (UTC)