Person talk:Albert Bouwer (1)


Example of emails [6 January 2013]

This is an example of an edit to a WR page. You will receive an email about this change. The email is from DO NOT "antwoorden"/reply to this email. --Jennifer (JBS66) 16:16, 6 January 2013 (EST)

Yes, I understand you, and I can well a mail send/replay to your own mailadres? --Kdrost 12:55, 10 January 2013 (EST)

Yes, you can reply to my own email address. --Jennifer (JBS66) 11:32, 12 January 2013 (EST)

Okay, yes. Only that was the one time, with something. And what are mean you ok again with, that hotmail ok something had. So that I not a mail can send to it "donoreplay"?