Person:Frances Cary (5)

Frances Cary
b.Abt 1617
d.Aft 1646
  1. Sir Henry Cary1613/14 - 1665
  2. Dr. Robert Cary, D.C.L.1615 - 1688
  3. Edward CaryAbt 1616 - Aft 1653
  4. Frances CaryAbt 1617 - Aft 1646
  5. Mary Cary1617 - Bef 1620
  6. Elizabeth CaryAbt 1618 - Aft 1646
  7. John CaryAbt 1620 - Aft 1646
  8. Walter CaryAft 1620 - Aft 1646
  9. Colonel Theodore CaryEst 1622 - 1683
  10. Captain George Cary1625 - Aft 1666
  11. Bridgett CaryAbt 1629 - Aft 1646
  12. James Cary1633 - Aft 1646
Facts and Events
Name[2][3] Frances Cary
Alt Name[1] Fransisca Cary
Gender Female
Birth[2] Abt 1617 "Frances, æt. 3 in 1620; ...." S2
Residence[1][3] 15 Jun 1646 Cockington, Devon, England"... on June 15, 1646, there were living with Sir Henry, at Cockington, his mother and the following named brothers and sisters: Robert, Edward, John, Theodore, George, Walter, James, Francis,[sic] Elizabeth, Bridget. ...." S1
Death[1][3] Aft 1646
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Harrison, Fairfax. Devon Carys, Vol. 1 (New York: De Vinne Press, 1920), Chapter XII - pp. 263-264, 276-277.

    « His (John Cary's) youngest son was that GEORGE CARY (1578?-1643) who was intended by the Lord Deputy to take the place of his own lost son of the same name but by his "unrulye caryage" forfeited his opportunity to be the sole heir. Nevertheless, under the final settlement, he inherited Cockington on his father's death and there he lived for many years, and there he was buried in 1643, passing on the estate intact, contrary to the expectations of his uncle. He had married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Edward Seymour, Bart, of Berry Pomeroy, near Totnes, and a great-granddaughter of the Protector Somerset.
    When in July, 1643, he died,1 he left a large family of children.2 The eldest son, SIR HENRY CARY (1613-1665), was then thirty years of age. ...
    1. He was buried in Cockington Church, but no M.I. nor any will survives. See, however, the parish register in H. & G., viii, 101.
    2. See post, p.277.
    ... [ cont'd on pp.276-277 ]
    ... In support of the application of Sir Henry Cary of Cockington for composition there was filed1 a deposition by one of his servants that on June 15, 1646, there were living with Sir Henry, at Cockington, his mother and the following named brothers and sisters: Robert, Edward, John, Theodore, George, Walter, James, Francis,[sic] Elizabeth, Bridget. The Visitation of Devon of 1620 gives the children living when that record was made as Henry, Robert, Edward, Francisca, Elizabeth, and John, the last named "aet 3 menses."2 It follows that all the younger brothers and sisters who were living in 1646, viz., Theodore, George, Walter, James, and Bridget, were born after 1620; and this is confirmed by the entry of the matriculation of the oldest of them, Theodore, at Queen's College, Oxford, in 1642, when he gave his age as eighteen;3 and by the earliest entry of the family in the surviving parish register of Cockington,4 namely, for 1629, reading: "Bridgett Cary, the daughter of George Cary, Esq., and Eliza, his wife, was bap: the 20 of January." One of them must then have been born every year from 1624 to 1629. It seems clear that the Francis of the deposition of 1646 was intended for the daughter Francisca born 1617, who appears in the Visitation pedigree, and not a son Francis born 1628, as the misprint has heretofore led us to conjecture.5 [See my note below*]
    Footnotes (those following the first are renumbered here, where there is no page separation):
    1. The children of Sir Henry Cary.
    2. Royalist Composition Papers, 1645, calendared in H. & G., viii, 105.
    3. Vivian, 152.
    4. Foster Alumni Oxon.
    5. H. & G., viii, 100.
    Source:Harrison, Fairfax. Devon Carys
    The full Vol. I may be accessed here:
    [*Note: This confusion between a daughter Frances (or Fransisca), born 1617, and a son Francis, born 1628, appears to be further exposed in a FindMyPast record (see ref. source #4 below), where the transcription shows the 1634 death/burial of a presumed daughter Frances Cary, while the image appears to show a son Francis. My reading of the image has: 'he' - ffrancis identified there as a sonne of Sir George Cary buryed 23 March? And who could this Sir George Cary be? Surely not George Cary, Esq. - husband of Elizabeth née Seymour. The nearest knighted relative named George, would be this George Cary's uncle Sir George Cary (c.1541-1616), of whose first, and apparently only fruitful, marriage produced four children, but of whom only "the eldest son, George, survived their mother, and he afterwards fell childless in the Irish wars." See next ref. source #2. So he is hardly likely to have had an otherwise unrecorded son Francis - not recognised as his heir, and who died in 1634. See ref. source #5 below. As well as again the next ref. source #2, where there are two potentially contradictory mentions of a death/burial for Frances/Francis Cary in 1634. In the list of the eleven children of George Cary, Esq and his wife, Elizabeth (Seymour), the eldest daughter shown there is: "Frances, æt. 3 in 1620; died 1634." While in the Appendix under Burials for 1634 there is one which is clearly interpreted as that of a 'Francis' son of a 'Sir George Cary': "1634. ... ffrancis, sonne of Sr George Cary, buryed 23 March." Finally Fairfax Harrison does say here that a daughter Frances was counted among the living children in 1646. See also ref. source #3 below.]—R.C.A. (robinca)

  2. 2.0 2.1 Nichols, John Gough, ed.: The Herald and Genealogist, Vol. VIII. London: R.C. Nichols and J. B. Nichols, printers to the Society of Antiquaries, 25, Parliament Street, Westminster. 1874. p.81, p.84-85, pp.97-98, pp.100-101.

    (p.81) ...
    George Cary found a richly endowed wife of his own age in Wilmot. the young heiress and sole eventual representative of a line of the Giffards, whose pedigree, unnoticed in the published histories of Devon, is found among the Cary papers, compiled with minute care and proved by complete evidence in the handwriting of her husband. While yet a child of 14 the hand of Wilmot Giffard was bestowed on John Bury, esquire, of Collaton, Devon, but the marriage remained unconsummated for seven years, when proceedings for its dissolution were referred to the arbitrament of Lewis Pollard, esq. on behalf of Bury, and, on the lady's part, to Robert Cary of Clovelly, who had married her mother, Margaret, the widow of John Giffard of Yeo. Archbishop Parker signed the final sentence, and while both were yet under 21, George and Wilmot Cary entered upon a more fortunate union of twenty years. Of the four children of this marriage only the eldest son, George, survived their mother, and he afterwards fell childless in the Irish wars. ...
    (pp.84-85) ...
    In 1607-8 he contracted another marriage with Lettice, daughter of Robert Rich, 1st Earl of Warwick, who, after his decease, was remarried to Sir Arthur Lake, Bart. Sir George's death is stated by Prince to have occurred 19 Feb. 1615, but he certainly survived two years later, for the Court Rolls of his Manors prove him to have been living between Nov. 1616 and April 1617, and it was not till Feb. 1617 that George Lord
    Carew was able to write to Sir Thomas Rowe,—" My olld shakinge kinsman Sir George Cary, somtymes Lord Deputy of Irland, is dead, and his wife is now a riche widdow."
    Sir George Cary was enabled to make large additions to the fair estate derived from his father and his first wife, and, at the time of his death, his rent-roll must have been one of the amplest in Devonshire. ...
    A large portion of these possessions, including the manor and mansion of Cockington, fell to the share of his namesake and adopted heir George, the youngest but one of the sons of his brother John Cary of Dudley, co. Stafford.
    This George Cary married Elizabeth, a daughter of the now ducal House of Seymour. The contents of a deed printed in the Appendix show that, in early life at least, George Cary displayed tendencies to extravagance, which excited his uncle's misgivings. He nevertheless handed down the Cockington estate, at his death in 1643, to his eldest son and heir, the gallant but unfortunate Sir Henry Cary.
    ... »
    Page 97 contains TABLE VII.—Carys of Cockington. This pedigree has the descent from "George Cary, of Cockington==Elizabeth (Seymour)." - in which their eleven children are shown (as in the table, sons are listed first, and numbered here: 1-8, daughters following: 1-3):
    1. "Sir Henry Cary, of Cockington; æt. 7 in 1620; lost Cockington 1651; High Sheriff of Devon 1643."=="Amy, dau. of Sir James Bagge, of Saltram, co. Devon; bur. at Cockington 16 June, 1652."
    2. "Robert, LL.D. born at Cockington; æt. 6 in 1620; Archdeacon of Exeter 1662; Rector of East Portlemouth, Devon; bur. there 19 Sept. 1688."
    3. "Edward, æt. 5 in 1620; living 1653."
    4. "John, aged 3 months in 1620."
    5. "Col. Theodore, died 1683, æt. 63; monument in Spanish Town, Jamaica; mar. Dorothy, dau. of . . . Wale, m. 1676."
    6. "George, a Captain of horse; living 1660."
    7. "Walter"
    8. "James"
    1. "Frances, æt. 3 in 1620; died 1634."[sic]*
    2. "Elizabeth, æt. 2 in 1620."
    3. "Bridget, bapt. at Cockington 20 Jan. 1629."
    .... »
    [*Note: This date of death is doubtful. See reference sources #1 above, where I have added a note. And even here below it would appear to be contradicted, in the Appendix under Burials (on p,101), where there is a 1634 burial, which is clearly interpreted as that of a 'Francis' son of a 'Sir George Cary'.]—R.C.A. (robinca)
    « ...
    APPENDIX. (p.98-128)
    (p.100) ...
    1629. Richard Cary the sonne of Dudley Cary and Dorothy his wife was bap: the 8th of Septemb:
    Bridgett Cary the daughter of George Cary, Esq. and Eliza his wife was bap: the 20 of January.
    1640. Grace, daughter of Henry and Amy Cary, Esq. was bap: the 17th of Ja: 1640.
    (p.101) ...
    1633. Wm. Cary, sonne of Dudley Gary, was buryed the 13th May.
    1634. Dorothy Cary, buryed llth Septemb.
    ffrancis, sonne of Sr George Cary, buryed 23 March.
    Henry Cary, buryed the 8th of July 1641.
    George Cary, Esq., buryed the 23 of July 1643.
    Lucius Cary, buryed the 25 of June 1646.
    The Lady Amy Cary was buryed the 16th of June 1652,
    Anne Cary was buryed 24th of Octob. 1653.
    .... »
    Pages 84-85 accessed at:
    Table VII on p.97 accessed at:
    The Herald and Genealogist, Vol. VIII. London: R.C. Nichols and J. B. Nichols, printers to the Society of Antiquaries, 25, Parliament Street, Westminster. 1874. Edited by John Gough Nichols, F.S.A. Hon. Member of the Societies of Antiquaries of Scotland and Newcastle-on-Tyne, Corresponding Member of the Massachusetts Historical Society and of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society.

  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 'Richard Seymor - Hartford 1640', a paper read before the Connecticut Chapter Daughters of Founders and Patriots of Amercica At Norwalk, Conn., February 13th, 1903 by Mrs. Maria Watson Pinney, Derby, Conn. p. 18.

    « ...
    "Mathew Hatch made declaration that Elizabeth Cary, the relict of George Cary of Cockington, and mother of Henry Cary of Cockington, in Devon, Knight, and sometimes called Elizabeth Seymour, also mother of Robert (of whom Westcote's Devonshire, page 511 states, married Christin, daughter and heir of Wm Strechley, Esq.) also mother of Edward, John, Theodore, George, Walter and James, sons, and Frances, Elizabeth and Bridget, daughters of the above George and Elizabeth, were all living and in good health."
    This is dated June 15th, 1646.
    .... »
    Accessed at:
    Note: Although the writer of this does not say so, this "Mathew Hatch" must be the servant of Sir Henry Cary, referred to in Devon Carys, Vol. I, p.276. (See reference source #1. above)

  4.   Frances or Francis Cary, in Website: Find My Past > Record Transcription Devon Burials.

    « First name(s) Frances / Last name Cary / Age - / Birth year - /
    Death year 1634 / Burial year 1634 / Burial date 23 Mar 1634 /
    Denomination Anglican / Burial place Cockington / County Devon / Country England /
    Archive reference 3349A/PR/1/1 / Archive South West Heritage Trust / Record set Devon Burials / Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records / Subcategory Parish Burials
    Collections from England, Great Britain »
    Accessed at: - from where the Devon burials image may be viewed, showing what appears to read (correct me if I'm wrong!):
    « ffrancis sonne of Sr George Cary buryed 23 March »
    [Note: If my reading of this is correct, this burial record does not belong to George Cary's daughter Frances (or Fransisca)! See my note on ref. source #1 above. As well as the next ref. source #5, where this burial is clearly interpreted as that of a 'Francis' son of a 'Sir George Cary'.]—R.C.A. (robinca)

  5.   Burke, Sir Bermard, C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms, edited by his son. In two volumes : A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland, Volume 1, London: 1898. p.250.

    « Thomas CARY, inherited the lands of Cockington and Chilson. He m. Mary, dau. of John Southcot, of Bovy Tracy, Devon, and had issue,
    1. GEORGE (Sir), his heir.
    2. John, of Dudley, co. Stafford, m. dau. of — Norton, and had issue,
    Font....1. EDWARD (Sir), of whom presently.
    Font....3. Thomas, of Moulsham, co. Stafford.
    Font....4. Edward, d.s.p.
    Font....5. GEORGE, who inherited Cockington, and the remainder of his uncle the Lord Deputy's estates, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Edward Seymour, Bart., of Berry Pomeroy, Devon, and had (with three younger sons and a dau.), SIR HENRY CARY, Knt., Sheriff of Devon 18 CHARLES I.
    Font....6. Dudley, m. and had issue.
    Thomas Cary was s. at his decease by his eldest son,
    ....SIR GEORGE CARY, Knt., of Cockington, Treasurer of Ireland, and afterwards, Lord-Deputy. Sir George m. 1st, Wilmot, dau. and heir of John Gifford, of Yeo, Devon, and had a dau., Anne, m. Sir Richard Edgcombe, Knt., of Mount Edgcombe. He m. 2ndly, Lettice, eldest dau. of Robert. Lord Rich, 1st Earl of Warwick, but by her (who m. 2ndly, Sir Arthur Lake, Knt.) he had no children.
    Sir George d. 1616, and was s. by his nephew,
    Font..SIR Edward CARY, Knt., of Marldon, Devon. ....  »
    Accessed 11/07/2019 at: