Person:Clarissa Newton (5)

Clarissa Newton
Facts and Events
Name Clarissa Newton
Gender Female
Death? Sep 1832 Newry, Oxford, Maine, United States

According to E. Leonard, in The Newton Genealogy (de Pere, Wisc., 1915)

C'larissa.'. b..... ; d. Sept. —, 1832. '"She was daughter of the first wife of her father." She die<l in Newry. Maine. She married at Bethel, Me., about 1819, Ebenezer Bean, son of .lohn Bean of Bethel, Maine, where he was born. He died in Berlin, N. H.. .lune 8, 1801. Farmer, Their children were all born in South Weymouth. Mass., where the family then resided. Ebenezer Bean married (2) Mrs. Sarah Cummings of Bethel. Maine, and his son, .Jonathan C, married her daughter.


Jonathiin Clark' Bean. b. Aug. Si, 1820; d. .Jan. 30, 1S!)9 ; m. 1812. Sarah Cummings. Clarissa Newton Bean. h. Sept. 20. 182.5; d. May 7, 1888: m. Lorenzo D. Ward ; res. in Boston, Mass., and Bethel, Maine. Ebenizer Newton Bean, b. .June 10. 1827; d. before 1909 m. Eliza M. Pearson, sister of the wife of his uncle, Albert Newtonn. They lived in South Weymouth. Mass. Children : Edgar* Bean, b. : lived in Brockton, Mass., 1909.

Clarence' Bean, b. .
Nellie" Bean, b. .

Mary" Bean. b. .

Sfephen Saunders" Bean. b. May —, 1829; went out West first to visit his grandmother in Ohio : then to Des Moines. Iowa, where he married and had two children. He was a .soldier in the Civil War and was killed in the battle of Shiloh in 1802. His older daughter was Cyntliia Estelle" Bean. Addison. Saunders" Bean, b. April 13, 1832; living in 1909 in Bethel, Maine, R. F. D. 4. In Sept., 1832, after the death of his mother, he was adopted by Mr. Ashley Paine of Bethel, Maine, who brought him up. He married in Manchester, N. H., Dee. 6, 1851, Irene Elizabeth Heald, born Nov. 29. 1833, died June 8, 1907. s. p. Abial Clhandler Bean, b..... ; settled in New York City, where he died; m. and had two daughters. "He was only a half brother."

Children By Second Wife. Lambert', b. Sept. 29. 1795; m. Martha Nicholson. Nathan', Jr., b.... ; m. Luoretia McFarland. Sophia', b..... ; d. at Andover, Maine, at the home of her daughter; m. James Buchannan ; removed to Wisconsin, where they had a large family; one child was :

Adelaide" Buchannan. ; m. George Merritt Newton, her cousin,

and resides (1909) in Andover, Maine.

Anna', b. .

Benjamin Thorla', b. Dec. 2G, 1810 ; m. Clarine Dumi. Lydia', b. ; m. Joshua Dunn, brother of Clarine Dunn (above) and .son of Aaron and Keziah (Chandler) Dunn of Poland, Maine, where he . was born. They lived in Andover. Maine, and had six children. Later she was in Bethlehem, N. H. Children were : William Horace' Dunn. b. ; d. before 1909. Henry Wellington' Dunn, b. . Albert' Dunn, b. ; d. at Littleton, N. II. Clara' Dnnn, b. ; m. Erastus Bean. Eunice' Dunn. b. Martha' Dunn, b. . Alhert', b. Sept. 5, 1814; m. Phebe R. Pearsons. Dollie', b. .