Person:Charles Baker (51)

Charles Baker
Facts and Events
Name Charles Baker
Gender Male
Marriage Est 1856 to Eliza D. Rogers

== CHARLES H. BAKER, born December 2, 1825, at West Troy, N.Y., (son of John J. and Catherine (Wright) Baker), married about 1856, Eliza D. Rogers (daughter of James and Martha (?) Rogers), born January 6, 1836, at Archbold, Ohio, and died October 12, 1890, at Ransom, Michigan. Mr. Baker enlisted November 1, 1861, in Battery G. First Mich. Artillery; taken prisoner August 20, 1862, at Loudon, KY.; paroled in September: and honorably discharged January 28, 1865.


I. John Rogers Baker, born December 22, 1857, at Ransom, Mich., and dying September 21, 1883. II. Mary Eliza Baker, born August 7, 1860, at Ransom, Mich., married Gen. John Pope Cook. III. Zorada Baker, born September 3, 1867, at Ransom, Mich., married Charles Green.

Source: Original data: Phelps, James Andrew,. Heroic Willards of '76 : life and times of Captain Reuben Willard of Fitchburg, Mass., and his lineal descendants, from 1775 to date : profusely embellished with authentic portraits not heretofore available : register of Willards in the Revolution, and other wars : chronology of the George Willards. New York, N.Y.: Issued by the Genealogical Bureau, 1917. ==