Person:Bell Nolan (1)

Bell Nolan
Facts and Events
Name Bell Nolan
Gender Female
Marriage to John Carpenter
Reference Number? 7772

Original Message -----

From: Jim & Donna Stewart To: Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 3:01 PM Subject: Genealogy


          I have been looking at your website for several days.  You've really done a good job with this information.  I do have some additional information for you if you'd like it.  Also, I have some photos you might want.
   Rosa Mae Carpenter (C615) was the daughter of Belle Nolan Carpenter. Belle was originally from Carter County.  She was the daughter of Jeremiah Nolan and Roseanna Gilbert.  I have lots of information on this family since Belle's sister Susannah was my great-grandmother.  You list "Other Spouses" for Belle as Tom Smoot.  I've not heard of this.  She was married to Dave Colley.  Let me know if you want more information.  If so, I would also like permission to reprint the photo you have of Belle, her daughter, Rosa, and the children of Rosa.  Do you by chance know who's who in that photo?  You list the names but not in the photo sequence.
   My Bath County lines are as follows:

Paternal: Bailey, Carr, Cartmill, Horseman, McClelland, McCormick, Pieratt, Schultz, Stone (nee), Tipton and Whaley. Materal: Ginter, Hatton, Lindsay, Markland, McLauglin/McGlothin, Moore, Parks, Stamper, Thompson, Williams

  I will share information with any researcher as long as they're not doing it for financial gain.  I support the writing of books for genealogy and the subsequent cost of the publishing, etc., but not for profit.  I feel family history should be openly shared and as factual as possible, that's why I applaud your website.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

Donna Stone Stewart

Original Message -----

From: Darrell Warner To: Ruby Bosco ; Jim & Donna Stewart Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 4:11 PM Subject: Re: Genealogy

Hi Donna,

              I am glad to know that the website has helped you.  I have put alot of work into it not to mention all the hours of research I have done.  I try to be as accurate as possible but I am always looking for mistakes.
  I am also sending this letter to my cousin Ruby Bosco.  She is the grand-daughter of Rosa and she is currently doing research on the Nolan side where I am not.  Ruby has a picture of Jerimiah Nolan if I am not mistaken.  I am researching the Warner side of the tree.  Rosa's husband Edd was my Grandmothers brother.   I was just in Bath county last year for the family re-union of the descendants of Eddie and Rosa. (A shifty bunch of folks if I do say so.....ooops! Sorry Ruby)
  You misread the info on the site at

The other spouses is for Rosa not Belle.

   As far as the picture goes I don't mind if you copy it.  Ruby sent it to me to share.  As far as who it is I know but not for sure.  (Sorry Ruby)
   HEY RUBY!!!!  WAKE UP!!!!   Ruby can you identify everyone at the family picture posted at
  Donna: I see we share many names in the family tree.  My g-g-grandfather Jacob Clay Warner married Mary Elizabeth Shultz  Have you connected in any other way?
  Who are the pictures you have.  I like old pictures and I am sure Ruby will be interested also.
  I need the birth, death, marraige dates and places of Rosa's parents. I am interested in the Nolan line because there are Nolans who married Hendersons from Carter county.  Henderson is my Mom's side.  Ruby and I keep laughing about how we are going to find out that we are related in more than one way.

Thanks, Darrell

Original Message -----

From: Jim & Donna Stewart To: ; Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 1:10 PM Subject: Re: Genealogy

Ruby and Darrell,

                           What an interesting response to my question. Ruby, I'm Betty's daughter (Betty the daughter of your Aunt Ethel).  I chat with Thelma quite a bit but didn't know you had email.  Thelma gave me a copy of the Jeremiah Nolan photo.  I also gave Thelma the photos I have of Belle.  I can send them to both (Darrell and Ruby) of you if you want.  I have 3 photos of Belle:  one she's alone in a cemetery, one is of Belle and Rosa and 4 other people probably Rosa's children, and the third is of Belle seated holding 2 babies and two woman standing behind her.  I can only identify Belle and Rosa for sure.  I didn't know Rosa and the only one of her children I knew was Opal.  Opal worked in Mt. Sterling at Oldham's Department Store for a number of years.

You're right Darrell, I did misread your information on the other spouse. I went back and looked at it again. As a matter of fact, I've looked at your site quite a bit. You list my Uncle Babe Stone and his family. My grandfather was Elza Roe Stone, one of the older brothers of Babe. I have a photo of all of them as children. Uncle Babe looks to be about 10 in the photo.

I have no information to speak of on my Shultz line. I'm stretched pretty thin as it is researching all these female lines. It's so much harder to trace them before they were considered to be anything other than the cook/maid/childrearing spouse.

Ruby can probably tell you this but the Nolan line is difficult to follow. Jeremiah was a bit of a rascal and seemed to relocate to keep the trail cool. He had children by at least 3 wives, possibly more and so it makes even census records hard to interpret.

I'll send you more information Darrell as I look at your site more. You seem to have several of my names of interest and we can probably swap lots of info. Each of you let me know on the photos. I'm more than happy to send them. Darrell, let me know what size you want them in. I usually scan mine large so that I can clean them up in my graphics softwear, but I can always send a smaller one if that's an issue on your site. Ruby you probably have everything I have in the way of information because Thelma mentions talking with you and her visits.

I've been approached by both my Stone family and my Ginter family to write a book. I shook my head no as fast as I could because I don't think I'm at the point where I have enough information to do so. Have you ever considered this Darrell? If so, please give me your thoughts. I know it's important that someone do it but I just don't think I'm there yet. Everyone keep in touch and I'll do the same. Gotta go now so I can look at more of the site.


Original Message -----

From: Darrell Warner To: Jim & Donna Stewart Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 3:16 PM Subject: Re: Genealogy

Hi Donna,

             I have and still do print out a book on the Warner line. My family tree maker program allows me to do so.  When I do one that includes all the information it ends up being about 400 pages long and costs me about a hundred dollars to do so.  The cost of paper, printer cartridges, binder, packing, about 4 hours of my time, shipping not to mention the wear and tear on equipment makes it quite expensive.  I have printed quite a few of them and I charge $125.00 to do so.  Everyone has always been happy with the book and it includes everything, even my research notes.  At first I didn't want to do it because of the cost but there are family members who appreciate a good book on the family tree. For those who think the cost is too much I direct them to my website where all the information is free and tell them to enjoy and print all the pages they want from there.  At one time I had a down loadable ged-com file on my site until I found out there were some people taking the information and calling it there own.  I even had one person e-mail me once and asked me why I had their research posted at my website.  I then instructed them to a certain page with bogus information that I have added so I can identify my work.  Never did hear back from them.  Well needless to say the ged-com file is no longer on my site for down load. When someone gives me info I make every attempt to give them credit and show them as a source.  I almost took my site off then net but every so often I have someone like yourself who e-mails me and says thanks and that is what makes it all  worth while.

As far as the pictures of Belle, send them my way. I will add them to the website.

Take care, Darrell