MySource:Xpm17503/Ethel B. (Cousins) Jones, Daughter of Harvey Cousins and Priscilla (Bowser) Cousins, Bowser Family History, (Worthington, PA)

MySource Ethel B. (Cousins) Jones, Daughter of Harvey Cousins and Priscilla (Bowser) Cousins, Bowser Family History, (Worthington, PA)
Abreviation Bowser Family History
Year range -
Ethel B. (Cousins) Jones, Daughter of Harvey Cousins and Priscilla (Bowser) Cousins, Bowser Family History, (Worthington, PA).

Robert Cousins research

Short version of source: Ethel B. (Cousins) Jones, Daughter of Harvey Cousins and Priscilla (Bowser) Cousins, Bowser Family History,

Bibliography version of source: Ethel B. (Cousins) Jones, Daughter of Harvey Cousins and Priscilla (Bowser) Cousins. Bowser Family History,. Worthington, PA.