MySource:Rob.G/Certificate of Baptism

MySource Certificate of Baptism
Author Assist priest A.R. Kelley
Abreviation SOURCE #28
Year range -
Publication information
Publication Roman Catholic Church
St. Matthew's Church , Quebec
Nov. 5 ,1981
Assist priest A.R. Kelley. Certificate of Baptism. (Roman Catholic Church

St. Matthew's Church , Quebec

Nov. 5 ,1981).

Lennox George, first son of William George of Quebec, Overlooker, Dominion Arsenal, and of Mabel his wife, born on the twenty-fifth day of June A.D. nineteen hundred and eighteen, was baptized on the third day of August in the same year

        by me
        A.R. Kelley
       Assist Priest

E. Read Florence Cornforth William Read