MySource:Marr794/Warsaw Village Pioneer Cemetery

MySource Warsaw Village Pioneer Cemetery
Author Leilani Spring (
Year range -
Publication information
Type Book
Publication (c) 1999
Leilani Spring ( Warsaw Village Pioneer Cemetery. ((c) 1999).

WARSAW VILLAGE PIONEER CEMETERY: Known as the "Old Burying Ground", this portion of the Warsaw Village Cemetery lies on the east side of South Main Street, and at the northern bounds of the area. In the spring of 1804, a son of Sterling Stearns, two years old, died at Judge Webster's and was buried on this spot in the forest. A young son of Nehemiah Fargo was drowned in the Oatka Creek the ensuing fall and was buried in the same ground. The third burial was that of Dwight Noble, the first adult person who died in Warsaw in January 1807.

In due course, the cemetery was expanded and many of the pioneers laid to rest. The original plot became occupied and in 1850, the Warsaw Cemetery Association was created and purchased land on the west side of the street, opposite to the original cemetery. The old grounds have not been maintained by the association, but rather by appropriation from the Town. The plot is maintained in excellent condition in cooperation with the officials of the association.

The following transcription of tombstone records is based upon a survey by Samuel D. Gayton, Warsaw, and has been checked against newspaper sources, and rechecked August 11, 1953. It is known that there are unmarked graves to a considerable number. Visitors will find a map of the lots in the Caretaker's office.