MySource:Kentsohio/Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, comp., Index to Deaths, Massachusetts,. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Ge

MySource Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, comp., Index to Deaths, Massachusetts,. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Ge
Abreviation Index to Deaths, Massachusetts
Year range -
Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, comp., Index to Deaths, Massachusetts,. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Ge.

Short version of source: Index to Deaths, Massachusetts (published)

Bibliography version of source: Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth. Index to Deaths, Massachusetts.. Salt Lake City, Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974

_TMPLT: TID: 0 FIELD: Name: Footnote VALUE: Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, comp., Index to Deaths, Massachusetts,. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974) FIELD: Name: ShortFootnote VALUE: Index to Deaths, Massachusetts (published) FIELD: Name: Bibliography VALUE: Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth. Index to Deaths, Massachusetts.. Salt Lake City, Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974