MySource:Jrboddie/Frances Ann Delony Letter

MySource Frances Ann Delony Letter
Author Frances Ann Delony
Year range -
Publication information
Publication Location: Cottage Hill, Alabama; Date: 27 May 1832;
Frances Ann Delony. Frances Ann Delony Letter. (Location: Cottage Hill, Alabama; Date: 27 May 1832;).
Name RootsWeb
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The source of the letter is A Land Harris. Here is a note from him on the origin.

Hi Jim,

No, somewhere in my boxes, I have a typed transcription that was made by my mom many many years would have been 103 this year. The transcription was made on an old typewriter.

I don't think anyone in mom's family knew much about the Deloney family as the connection was pretty remote and also not much survived the death of my grandfather's parents. I think it survived because my mom was intrigued such an incredible letter. grandfather William Raines Land was an orphan at an early age. He & his siblings were split up and sent to live with and work for various relatives.

He was the grandson of Frances Rebecca Peebles Land who was the daughter of Thomas Edmund Peebles, Jr & Susannah Laura Parham Lucas.

Frances Rebecca Peebles was the grandaughter of William Lucas & Frances Rebecca Raines and niece of Elizabeth Wyche Deloney.

But it is the most interesting thing that came down to us from his side of the family. I am hoping that some of her other letters might have survived...she gives so much information and you can feel her spirit that is so in love with life.

Land H.
