MySource:Jillaine/New Orleans, Louisiana Birth Records Index

MySource New Orleans, Louisiana Birth Records Index
Author State of Louisiana, Division of Archives, Records Mgt and History
Year range -
Publication information
Type Electronic
State of Louisiana, Division of Archives, Records Mgt and History. New Orleans, Louisiana Birth Records Index.

This database is an index to birth records for New Orleans between the years 1790-1899. New Orleans was one of the first cities to establish the keeping of vital records, which they began doing in 1790. Although New Orleans began keeping vital records in this year, the recording of these events was sometimes inconsistent. It was not until 1914 when the keeping of vital records became a state-wide mandate that this inconsistency faded. This index provides information such as the child's name, parent's names (including the mother's maiden name), birth date, child's sex and color, and a reference to the original record. A microfilmed copy of the index was obtained from the State of Louisiana, Division of Archives, Records Management, and History. In some instances the microfilmed copies were hard to read and the information from those pages could not accurately be keyed to be included in this database.