MySource:Bbanta1/Source (155)

MySource Source (155)
Year range -
Publication information
Type Newspaper
Publication SIN 246. Obituary, "Seaforth Expositor" newspaper, Huron, Ontario, Canada, 24 February 1911. Xerox copy of article sent by Laurel (Mrs. Mark) Anderson 1/26/2004.
Source (155). (SIN 246. Obituary, "Seaforth Expositor" newspaper, Huron, Ontario, Canada, 24 February 1911. Xerox copy of article sent by Laurel (Mrs. Mark) Anderson 1/26/2004.).

SIN 246. Obituary, "Seaforth Expositor" newspaper, Huron, Ontario, Canada, 24 February 1911. Xerox copy of article sent by Laurel (Mrs. Mark) Anderson 1/26/2004.