Image:Hats Galore 1910.jpg.jpg

Image Information
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Marie Noack1858 - 1926
Wilhelmina Albertina Ristau1888 - 1959
Whilhelminna Zummach1885 - 1964

Left to right: Mrs. Sam Henderson nee Mary Ristau/Risto - sister of Minnie and niece of Mary Summach's husband Mrs. August Summach nee Minnie Ristau/Risto - niece and daughter-in-law of Mary Summach Mrs. August Summach, Sr. nee Mary Noack - Mother Mrs. Sam Denzin nee Minnie Summach, daughter of Mary Summach

Sept 2014
Dick Eastman's Genealogy Newsletter recently had an article about our ancestors in cars. Today we forget how novel a car was in the early 1900's. Photography studios would take pictures of people in a car, even if they did not own one.

In a similar vein, it appears that souvenir photos could be taken at the Regina Exhibition behind a cutout car, or at least that is what this appears to be to me. Rick Moffat

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