Image:1910 US Census for Eiermann and Beyer Families.pdf


1910_US_Census_for_Eiermann_and_Beyer_Families.pdf (872KB, MIME type: application/pdf)

1910 US Census for the State of New York, County of Kings Bough of Brooklyn, The 15th Day of April 1910 Sheet 1A

Line-6/ Address 65 Ridgewood Avenue/2/3/ Frederick Eiermann/Head/ Male/ White/ Age=46/ Married for 28 Years/ Born in Germany/ Father Born in Germany/ Mother Born in Germany/Immigrated to USA in 1879/ is a Naturalized Citizen/ Speaks English/ Builder of homes/Self employed/ Can read and write English/ home owner with a Mortgage

Line-7/ Marie Eiermann/ Wife/ Female/ White/ Age=45/ Married for 28 Years/ gave birth to 5 children 4 of whom are still living/ Born in Germany/ Father Born in Germany/ Mother Born in Germany/ Immigrated to USA in 1880/ Speaks England/ Can read and write English.

Line-8/ Othilda M Eiermann/Daughter/ Female/ White/ Age=17/ Single/ Born in New York/ Father Born in Germany/ Mother Born in Germany/Speaks English/ Can read and write English

Line-9/ Address: 61 Ridgewood Ave/3/4/ Albin H Beyer/Head/ Male/ White/ Age=29/ Married/ Born in Germany/ Father Born in Germany/ Mother Born in Germany/ Immigrated to USA in 1892/ is a Naturalized Citizen/ Speaks English/ Occupation=General Civil Engineer/Worker/ Can read and write English/home owner with a Mortgage

Line-10 / Emma Beyer/ Wife/Female/ White/ Age=25/ Married/ Born in New York/ Father Born in Germany/ Mother Born in Germany/Speaks English/Can read and write English

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  • (del) (cur) 20:22, 31 March 2012 . . Bellrich (Talk | contribs) . . 0×0 (892,562 bytes) (1910 US Census for the State of New York, County of Kings Bough of Brooklyn, The 15th Day of April 1910 Sheet 1A ********************************************************************************************** Line-6/ Address 65 Ridgewood Avenue/2/3/ Freder)

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