Frank "Bud" Creegan - WWII Photographer

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Reedham, Norfolk, England
El Reno, Canadian, Oklahoma, United States

Frank "Bud" Creegan was the photographer assigned to Pilot John N. Hutchison and crew's final mission during Big Week, part of a united effort between US and England to bomb the dickens out of German Air Force to help clear the way for the D Day invasion. This was their 25th and final mission and they would be going back to the US.

Then unexpectedly their plane collided over Reedham, England with another B17 just minutes from the safety of base due to the engine failure on the other bomber flown by Lt Warren Pease. Both plane wreckages were found 800 yards apart, 21 US servicemen died. A parachute was recovered from Hutchison's Sleepy Gal 2 bomber and today it’s in the Air Force Museum in Dayton Ohio.

A British documentary “Time Team Reedham Marshes” season 6 episode 8 is on and tells this story. Also retold as part of 2 books by Ian McLachlan. A memorial plaque in Reedham, England was dedicated thanks to the author Ian McLachlan and the 385th bomb squad association.

Frank L "Bud" Creegan was photographing the 25th mission. His camera was recovered but no film survived the fire. Bud’s remains are buried in Oklahoma with his parents.

Information from Elizabeth Pyle