Family talk:Cassius Schlotterback and Sarah Miller (1)

Who is Sarah Miller? [30 September 2008]

I am an Administrator for WeRelate and noticed that you created a Family page without a link to the wife.

If you know that Cassius Schlotterback's wife is Sarah Miller, why not create a Person page for her with what you know?

Is she the Sarah Miller who was born in 1866?

I am sorry. All the information I have on Cassius and Sarah Miller is from an old histoy of Noble County Indiana. I put the info up in hopres it might aid some seking his wife's maiden name.Schlotterback is not my lin per say except through my Sills line.Thanks for your commentss.--StevenLewis 07:00, 30 September 2008 (EDT)

Well, there's no need to be sorry. I was just wondering why not create a page for her indicating that you don't have very much information about her, but you do know her name and her husband's name. We're glad that you're finding WeRelate helpful and hope that you will be able to collaborate with your relatives, even if they are distant.