Family:George Ruth and Juanita Jennings (1)

  1.   Babe Ruth and Juanita Jennings, in Wikipedia: Babe Ruth - Personal Life
    14 November 2014.

    Ruth met Helen Woodford, by some accounts, in a coffee shop in Boston where she was a waitress, and they were married on October 17, 1914. They adopted a daughter, Dorothy, in 1921. Ruth and Helen separated around 1925 reportedly due to his repeated infidelities. Their last public appearance together came during the 1926 World Series. Helen died in a fire in Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1929, in a house owned by Edward Kinder, a dentist with whom she had been living as "Mrs. Kinder". In her book, My Dad, the Babe, Dorothy claimed that she was Ruth's biological child by a girlfriend named Juanita Jennings. She died in 1989.